LPDS Draft 0.90 Review

Steve Shanbaum

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Edit: Draft 0.90 with additional formatting changes available below.  Also, please note that the files will show 'Unavailable' unless you're signed in, so please don't hesitate to create a login so that you'll be able to download the attached documents.

Please find attached the 0.89 draft for the Lens Product Description Standard.  A change from the prior version is the separation of the FAQ for consumers of the standard, which was previously section 8 within the standard, out to a separate document.  As the information contained in the FAQ is to aid with the transfer to the LPDS over from the Lens Description Standard, that information is not necessarily internally relevant to the standard and was separated for that reason.  

This is the draft version that will be up for discussion at our meeting at Vision Expo West, so please take time in these coming weeks to read through the standard and see if you will have any issues that would prevent its promotion to version 1.0.  

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you on at the LPDS meeting on September 27th.  


TVC Lens Product Description Standard 0.90.pdf TVC Lens Product Description Standard 0.90 FAQ.pdf

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Hello Stephen,

I noticed a few items I wanted to bring up while this is still in draft.  In the LDS to LPDS Conversions, the LDS Field “Seg Thk” is shown to correspond to Layouts/Layout/SDEPTH in the LPDS.  The LDS Seg Thk is the fused segment thickness in glass multifocals, but I believe the LPDS SDEPTH is intended to be the vertical height of the segment.  Glass bifocals and trifocals are still being produced, so I think we need a separate fused seg thick element, probably in Blanks/Blank.

I didn’t see Seg Sep and Up Add equivalents in the LPDS, but these items will continue to be needed.

The LDS fields Slab, Car Rad and Bwl Diam convert to SLBP, CCCARR and CCBOWL in Blanks/Blank according to the LDS to LPDS Conversion table.  I’m not seeing these elements in the Blank section on page 16.

Int Ht should correspond to Layouts/Layout/IntermediateHeight, but I’m not finding this in the Layout section on page 15.

The LDS Field “Material” converts to Materials/Material/Code, but I don’t see Code in the Material section on page 14.

We might consider not deprecating Cat Code.  Some manufacturers use this field today for their item or product category code.  It’s sometimes useful to cross-reference the mfr’s cat code with OPC when supplied.  Is it possible to continue to have an optional Cat Code along with the auto-generated blank collection ID?

Can Layouts/Layout/MFH be changed from Integer to Numeric?  Some progressive designs have minimum fitting heights such as 13.5 and 16.5.

If I can provide more information for any of these points, please let me know.




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Thank you so much, Julian, for these detailed corrections. I have made the following edits: 

  1. Added SEGTHK to Blanks, and updated the reference in the FAQ.
  2. Added ADDU (for Upper Add power) to Blanks, and updated the reference in the FAQ.
  3. Added SEGSEP to Layouts, and updated the reference in the FAQ.
  4. Added SLBP, CCCARR, and CCBOWL to Blanks.
  5. Added IntermediateHt to Layouts.
  6. Changed the FAQ to point to Material/Category instead of Material/Code.
  7. Layout/MFH from data type DCS.Integer to DCS.Numeric.
  8. I've added a ReferenceID to Blanks for the moment, but to confirm its usage, are these codes actually unique at the blank level, or actually higher up on the Product level?  

The above changes are present in 0.90 of the draft standard that I've attached here, which also includes theming changes to match the current branding of the Vision Council.

TVC Lens Product Description Standard 0.90 FAQ.pdf TVC Lens Product Description Standard 0.90.pdf

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Thank you, Stephen, for making these changes.

On CCCARR and CCBOWL, moulded lenticular blanks with positive base curves have the carrier and bowl on the front surface.  Since the bowl and carrier can be on the front or back surface depending on the design, can we remove the “back” reference in the Blank descriptions?

On the ReferenceID, this category code would be unique at the Product level.  There could be multiple blanks in a single Cat Code.





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On 9/21/2023 at 4:18 PM, Julian Wake said:

On CCCARR and CCBOWL, moulded lenticular blanks with positive base curves have the carrier and bowl on the front surface.  Since the bowl and carrier can be on the front or back surface depending on the design, can we remove the “back” reference in the Blank descriptions?

The definition of that field actually comes from the Data Communication Standard, so I'll need to bring up the suggestion of that change over with that group.  

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