What is the future for IT infrastructure at TVC


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I think that the VC should be hosting common resources for the industry. Anything that facilitates common platforms and approaches to the benefit of all. We had discussed hosting the LPDS catalogue. This makes sense where a common framework is provided and the content is populated by design and lens vendors to be used by all systems requiring that information to deliver products to the consumer. This would speed the innovation cycle and reduce the requirement for duplicating effort in different formats to satisfy different systems. 

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Very interesting question Daniel.

I can tell you that we are a member driven company and work on behalf of our members.

We took the first step 1.5 years ago with hiring Paul. Paul's IT expertise has been a valuable asset to us even in the short time he has been here. We are currently taking steps to hire a Director of IT. A person that can help steer us in the right direction and not just support our current systems. Once this is done and then through our committee / members voices, inform that person of our needs, get by off from the board for the needed expenditures, we should be able to meet these requirements.

I hope this helps clear the muddy water we are wading in? (pun intended)

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